A Year Of Gaming – Week 23: Gobble & Donut Holes

Do you like game shows, pinball, donuts, and apps? Come check out some modern retro fun.

This article references the time between June 1st and June 7th, 2020.


For physical games, I actually got to play something this week! Dollars to Donuts is a game that’s coming to Kickstarter soon. It’s listed on BGG as “a puzzle-y tile-laying game with resource management and set collection,” and that fits the game quite well. It’s got some great art, the set collection works very well, and I really enjoyed it. I’ll be looking to do a proper preview, but if you enjoy tile laying games, this is a game you should keep an eye out for.

I also have been playing a bunch of the Roll for the Galaxy app on my iPhone and laptop. It’s not 100% finished, and I’ve found a few bugs and hiccups along the way, but overall it’s a very well done digital implementation of the game. It’s also great to play against the AI and have a full game take about ten minutes.

The last game that I’ve played this week is Paper Pinball. It’s a great series of simple roll and write games that take only a few minutes to play, but they have some interesting decisions and makes you want to play again right away.  There are a ton of different boards that you can pick up from PNPArcade. If you’d like to try it out, the designer Metal Snail Idea Workshop has a few black and white tables to try. Give them a look here.


No new physical games, but as I said above, I got the Roll for the Galaxy app to help test and see how many ways I can make it crash.


I got to be a part of Board Game the Game Show’s pilot episode, and I had a blast. It’s mostly a game show with a slight focus on board games, but it’s approachable by everyone. If seeing some contestants compete for literally no prize sounds fun, give the episode a look. I’m super excited to see what Bruce does with the format. Check it out here.

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