Alex DeNagy

Alex does a little bit of everything, both in his professional and personal life. He has been playing board games for as long as he can remember and has been playing card games and roleplaying games since 2012. He can primarily be found exploring new RPGs and making scenarios for them. He’s particularly fond of GMing for FATE Core, since the toolbox nature of the system lets him do crazy things.

Alex can’t remember how many player characters he’s killed (PARANOIA, Dread, and Kobolds Ate My Baby do that to you).

Alex is always eager to get a new game to the table, as long as he’s got equally eager players. His favorite board games include Betrayal (all versions, but especially Legacy), Millenium Blades, and the Arkham Horror LCG. Alex will try any game once, which has led to more than one headache. He currently runs the Magic the Gathering program at his friendly local game store and is getting into reviewing roleplaying games for Geek-Craft.

Alex is a proud Azorius player, because to insinuate that he is a part of the Dimir would surely be madness.

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