Tagged: Portal Games

Geek-Craft Goes To Gen Con 2016 2

Gen Con 2016 Games Played and Acquired

I got a lot of games at Gen Con 2016. No, really a LOT of games. But I also got to play some games, and while talking about purchases is fun, I’d like to discuss the games I got to play and what I thought about them. Some of the games are out now, some won’t be out until later this year, but I had a great time at the convention.


2015 – What a year!

2015 has been a heck of a year. Lots of new things, more of the regular good things, and some hiccups along the way. Time for a look back over the last twelve months.


Table For One – Solitaire Games

As someone who’s usually got a board game near him, I’ve found over the past few months that I’m enjoying solitaire board games more and more. I still love playing against other people, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something different about solitaire games. They’re a great way to pass the time and play some games that may not get to the table.