Tagged: PAXEast


March plans

There’s a lot going on next month, so I figure I should have some kind of announcement as to what’s actually going on to help everyone (including me) keep track. There are going to be the regular demos, but we also have some other fun things planned.


New Games, New Year, and News

Sorry for the lack of updates, but things have been keeping me rather busy as of late. Been playing a lot of games, working on game related projects, planning conventions, and helping out with some folks new to the hobby. Here’s an update so you know what I’ve been up to lately. New Games I’ve been doing a pretty good job of playing a lot of new games recently. I’ve hooked some coworkers on Android: Netrunner, which is a lot of fun but has quite the rulebook to get through. I’ve played Blockers: The Card Game, X-Wing: The Miniatures Game,...