Category: Game Chats


Geek-Craft Game Chats with JR Honeycutt

JR Honeycutt does a lot of things. He designs games, he works with a number of publishers, he writes, and does lots of other things in the hobby. How he has time for all of this, I’m not sure. Let’s find out!


Geek-Craft Game Chats with Bryan Fischer

I’m good friends with Bryan Fischer, who is both a game designer and a publisher. He’s always someone I can chat with about board games with and is a great resource of feedback for me. Let’s get to know him a bit better.


Geek-Craft Game Chats with Matt Leacock

Matt Leacock is a well known designer. He’s known for Pandemic, Forbidden Island, and Roll Through the Ages, which are some really great games. I was fortunate enough to interview him about his newest Kickstarter, The Thunderbirds!