Tagged: Fluxx


Gaming on the Go

Sometimes having a bag filled with smaller, simple games can be useful. Going to a friend’s house who doesn’t have many games? Have a group for lunch at work? Maybe there’s a get together and you want to show people some hobby games. What should be in your Gaming on the Go bag?

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fluxx! 0

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fluxx!

For those that don’t know, Fluxx is a very simple card game with 4 kinds of cards: Goal, Action, New Rule, or Keeper Cards. During the game, each player will play card from their hand and try to win. The gameplay are simple: Follow the rules on the table, trying to get the right cards to match the current goal. Of course, those rules will change turn by turn, so it could be Draw 4, Play 2 one turn and then Draw 1, Play 3, First Play Random next turn. The goal of the game is also constantly changing, so it...