Tagged: Gen Con

Convention Conundrum - Gen Con 2024 0

Convention Conundrum – Gen Con 2024

So it looks like I’m going to do a day trip to Gen Con on Friday this year. I’m anxious and excited and scared and hopeful and worried and… You get the idea. So I’m gonna write out what I’m looking forward to and what I’m concerned about and maybe that’ll help. A list of the good and the bad. Gen Pros vs. Gen Cons, I suppose.


Is This Thing Still On?

I’ve been away for almost a year. Let’s talk about the changes in that time and what the future looks like.

No Hospital This Time! - Gen Con 2019 0

No Hospital This Time! – Gen Con 2019

Gen Con is the biggest board game convention in the US, and it’s always a rush to go. Almost 70,000 attendees, tons of events, and far more going on than one person could ever see. That being said, let’s talk about what I saw.

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The Most Memorable Gen Con

It’s been about a month and a half since Gen Con took place. I enjoy Gen Con for the madness that it seems to call forth. New games getting released, announcements getting released during the show that change how the hobby will work, and tons of cool stuff to check out. Now that life is allowing me some time, I want to take a look back at Gen Con 2018.

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6 + 2 + 1 = Happy Conventions

With Gen Con almost upon us, I feel it’s only fair to do my yearly reminder of the 6 2 1 system. If everyone follows these three simple rules, it’ll help make everyone’s convention that much better!

Geek-Craft Goes To Gen Con 2016 2

Gen Con 2016 Games Played and Acquired

I got a lot of games at Gen Con 2016. No, really a LOT of games. But I also got to play some games, and while talking about purchases is fun, I’d like to discuss the games I got to play and what I thought about them. Some of the games are out now, some won’t be out until later this year, but I had a great time at the convention.