Tagged: Origins

Tahiti in Columbus 2

Tahiti in Columbus

One of the games I got to try at Origins was Tahiti, which is currently on Kickstarter. While I am backing it already, due to how the game looked and knowing the designer, I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn the game from the designer himself. Dave sat down with four of us and taught us the game, and I was blown away.

Post Origins Review 0

Post Origins Review

So I meant to have a post up here every night after the day’s events. However, when the hotel’s internet is flaky at best and coming back after talking and running around all day makes you want to just sleep, it becomes a little hard. However, if any of you are following the @demo_ken Twitter account, you’ll have seen lots of pictures and updates during the con. I’ll lay out the main events and things of note below the cut.

Origins 2012: Day 1 0

Origins 2012: Day 1

Arrived in Columbus, OH yesterday for Origins Game Fair 2012. First thing on the list was to visit the Mayfair room and see some old friends: The next stop was event registration, where I saw tables with Mayfair games printed on them. It was a very interesting idea and seemed really well made: Finally over to the Board Game Room to play Elder Sign and check out the rest of the library of games that the Columbus Area Boardgaming Society brought: Overall, a pretty good first day. Today I’ll be demoing for Mayfair and Eagle & Gryphon games, so if...

Origins is just a week away! 0

Origins is just a week away!

With only one week to go, I’m more excited for Origins this year than ever. I already have plans to try some new games at the con, teach lots of games for Mayfair Games and Eagle & Gryphon Games, have some wonderful ice cream at the North Market, and just have a blast gaming with friends for five days. For this year, I believe the Twitter hashtag for the convention is #Origins2012. If you follow me on twitter, you’ll be seeing a lot of updates and probably some pictures as well. I’ll tweet about the games I’m playing, pictures of...

The Origins Event Page is up! 0

The Origins Event Page is up!

If you’re going to Origins, now you can see what events you can sign up for. If you aren’t, now you can see all 4000+ events that are going on at Origins. It’ll be a blast! http://www.originsgamefair.com/Events/tabid/2794/Default.aspx

Less than 50 days to go! 0

Less than 50 days to go!

Origins is officially only 49 days away! I know that they don’t have their event schedule up yet, but anyone who’s gone before will know that this isn’t a new thing for them. So who is planning on going? If you’re running something, feel free to talk about it in the comments below. I know that I’ll be running some games for Mayfair Games as well as Eagle & Gryphon Games. Aside from gaming (yes, even I know there are other things in life), I’m looking forward to going to the North Market for at least a lunch or two, as...