Author: Ken

World Boardgaming Championships 0

World Boardgaming Championships

It’s short notice, but my I’ll be heading to Lancaster, PA for the World Boardgaming Championships. I’m only going for the last three days of the convention, but I should have enough time to get some games played and reviewed once I return. I know that I’ll be hitting up the Dice Hate Me Games people to try out the new rules for Compounded, learn VivaJava: The Coffee Game from the designer, and hopefully try out Take the Bait and The Great Heartland Hauling Co. which are the next releases. I’m also going to just learn any games I haven’t played or...

Down time – What to do when you’re not gaming 0

Down time – What to do when you’re not gaming

This may come as a shock to some of you, but I don’t actually sit down and game every waking hour. There are times where I’ll go days without playing a board game. But there are things to do when you aren’t playing board games that can still help scratch that itch. I’ve listed some of my favorites below, but feel free to add your own in the comments.

Game Emporium Session Report 0

Game Emporium Session Report

Check out my session report of the game session at Game Emporium this past Monday. If you have any questions, just let me know. If you run a store or have a great local game store that would be willing to have me come by and teach some games, leave a comment below.

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fluxx! 0

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fluxx!

For those that don’t know, Fluxx is a very simple card game with 4 kinds of cards: Goal, Action, New Rule, or Keeper Cards. During the game, each player will play card from their hand and try to win. The gameplay are simple: Follow the rules on the table, trying to get the right cards to match the current goal. Of course, those rules will change turn by turn, so it could be Draw 4, Play 2 one turn and then Draw 1, Play 3, First Play Random next turn. The goal of the game is also constantly changing, so it...

I’m a Rocketman! – Alien Frontiers Review 0

I’m a Rocketman! – Alien Frontiers Review

    Alien Frontiers was put up on KickStarter back in 2010, and I had no idea the game even existed. Now it’s one of my favorite games to play. It has wonderful graphics, a great balance of luck and strategy, and keeps me coming back for more. I haven’t gotten to play it nearly as often as I’d like, but I feel that everyone should be aware of how good this game really is.

Uh-oh, my mistake – Rules mistakes in your games 2

Uh-oh, my mistake – Rules mistakes in your games

Have you ever sat down to play a board game with a friend, get everything set up, and while playing it realize your friend is playing by different rules? Of course, you can’t be playing it wrong, it has to be your friend messing things up, so you check the rulebook… Uh-oh… As someone who prides himself on knowing the rules to a lot of games, I have to admit that even I make mistakes. I found out through a recent GeekList on BoardGameGeek that I’ve been playing Bohnanza wrong. It’s a very simple game, but when I’ve played, I have always...