Holiday Game Bash! 0

Holiday Game Bash!

Yesterday the local Meetup group, North Coast Gamers, held their annual Holiday Game Bash. Fifteen hours of gaming, demos, and give aways, and a silent auction. I got to sit down and teach Fleet, Pirate Dice, and Defenders of the Realm: Battlefields, and I also got to play a bunch of other games. Five matches of Android: Netrunner, a great six player game of 7 Wonders, a game of Chrononauts, and finished the night off with a game of Nefarious. It was a heck of a game day, and on top of all the wonderful games we got to play,...

Steve Jackson Game Day! 0

Steve Jackson Game Day!

I know it’s short notice, but I’ll be doing a Steve Jackson game day this Saturday, November 17th, starting at 1 PM at Gamers Haven in Parma Heights. I’ll be bringing Munchkin, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Ninja Burger, and lots of promos to hand out. Come by, learn a game, have a blast! RSVP at the Facebook Event Link or below in a comment and I’ll give you an extra promo when you show up!

It’s just a game! 2

It’s just a game!

Someone whose website I read for reviews recently decided he’d had enough. He deleted his website and Twitter accounts and has decided to make a major change to what he does and how he does it. Eric decided that he’d had enough of not getting enjoyment out of doing game reviews, and that the gamers have become jaded and there’s a trap when it comes to reviewing games. The Reviewer will only give good reviews because it means getting more games to review, and I understand his point, but it makes me feel like I need to clarify something. I have...

Here I am to save the day! – Sentinels of the Multiverse Review 2

Here I am to save the day! – Sentinels of the Multiverse Review

While I enjoy playing competitive board games, there is a part of me that enjoys cooperative ones as well. Working with the other players to solve a problem or beat the game can be a great change-up from the usual “gotta come in first” game play. I enjoy some of the more well-known cooperative games, like Pandemic or Arkham Horror, but I also know that some people have issues with these games because one player can end up telling the others what to do, commonly called quarterbacking, and it turns into a one player game. I feel that Sentinels of the Multiverse...

U-Con and new games 0

U-Con and new games

I got to go up to Michigan for U-Con with some friends, and we had a great time. I got to sit and play some new games or revisit some games that I haven’t played for a while. I’m going to give my first impressions of the games below, having only played them once. These are not full-fledged reviews, but give you a look at how I feel about the first plays of these games. If you see something you’d like me to do a full review on, leave a comment below.

Review – The Keep 1

Review – The Keep

I love board gaming, but I hate that if I want to take more than a couple of games with me to a store to demo or on vacation, I have to use several bags. I’ve actually taken to using a rolling duffel bag loaded with games in their boxes, but I saw what I think is a great idea on Kickstarter. The Keep is a method of packing up the important stuff from your games, like the boards and pieces, and leaving the boxes behind. The Keep is a combination of parts. Magic Chambers are used to hold smaller pieces...