Tagged: WBC

2012 – A year in reviews 2

2012 – A year in reviews

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking of how best to sum up 2012, both in terms of the games I’ve played and the things I’ve done. I played some new games released this year, but I’ve also played games that coming out next year and games that were new to me this year. Do I list my top plays of the year, even if they aren’t new games for me? After all the thinking, I believe I’ll do a little bit of everything. Listed below are the best games I played this year, for one reason or...

Conventia – So many conventions, so little time 1

Conventia – So many conventions, so little time

I love going to board game conventions, but I know that I’m not aware of a lot of them. There are the big ones: Origins, GenCon, PAX / PAX East, and of course Spiel in Germany. I’m also looking for the not-quite-as-big ones, like BGG.con, DicetowerCon, and World Boardgaming Championships. I also know there are smaller local cons to northeast Ohio, like AnCon and Con on the Cob. I’d like to have a list of the board game cons that are worth going to, and I’m going to miss some, so why not leave a comment below so you can...

Mars Needs Mechanics – A Review 1

Mars Needs Mechanics – A Review

I got to meet Ben Rosset when I went to the World Boardgaming Championships this year. I had seen some talk about his game, Mars Needs Mechanics, but I didn’t get a chance to sit down and learn the game. I made sure that at GenCon, I’d give his game a shot. If a guy has a giant rocket to help people find his game, I think it deserves a look. When there’s a really fun backstory for a game, I know it’s something I need to see. I really enjoyed the way the game worked and Ben’s enthusiasm helped show...

The Great Heartland Hauling Co. Review 1

The Great Heartland Hauling Co. Review

While at the World Boardgaming Championships, I got to try out Dice Hate Me Games’ newest Kickstarter project, The Great Heartland Hauling Co. by Jason Kotarski. I really like pick up and deliver games, and thought that one that plays in 30 minutes would work well and be a great fit with my gaming group. 

WBC – New Games Galore 0

WBC – New Games Galore

After two days at the World Boardgaming Championships, I am happy to say that I played 16 new games and expansions. I got to hang out with some friends, meet some people from Twitter, and tried a lot of games I’ve been aching to learn. There will be a more in-depth post later, and reviews of several of the games, but here are the new games (not expansions) that I got to play over the last two days: Château Roquefort Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War Crows Eruption Fürstenfeld Leaping Lemmings Lost Cities: The Board Game Mammut Revolver:...

World Boardgaming Championships 0

World Boardgaming Championships

It’s short notice, but my I’ll be heading to Lancaster, PA for the World Boardgaming Championships. I’m only going for the last three days of the convention, but I should have enough time to get some games played and reviewed once I return. I know that I’ll be hitting up the Dice Hate Me Games people to try out the new rules for Compounded, learn VivaJava: The Coffee Game from the designer, and hopefully try out Take the Bait and The Great Heartland Hauling Co. which are the next releases. I’m also going to just learn any games I haven’t played or...