Author: Ken

In 51 Words, Click Link 1

In 51 Words, Click Link – A Review of Cartographers

I’m a big fan of roll and write games. They’re light, quick, and offer a lot of options to players. Flip and draw games are similar, using cards instead of dice. Does Cartographers stand out on the sprawling field of games, or does it simply blend into a fold and disappear?

What's the Frequency - A Review of Incoming Transmission 0

What’s the Frequency? – A Review of Incoming Transmission

Incoming Transmission is up on Kickstarter for another round of backing, trying to take last  year’s successfully funded game and make it bigger and better. The combination of hidden intention, light programmatic movement, and cooperative goals makes for a unique experience. Let’s see if it has the lasting power to reach out to the stars or is just some local broadcast.

2018 Many Challenges 0

2018 – Many Challenges

I’ve set up personal gaming goals for a few years as a way to push myself to play more games. This hasn’t ever been a difficult thing, as I love trying new games. In 2018, I decided to change up the challenge. Instead of 100 new-to-me games, I’d break down a few different, smaller goals. How did they go? Let’s find out.

Floor it? FLOOR IT! - A Review of Rallyman GT 0

Floor it? FLOOR IT! – A Review of Rallyman GT

I have always enjoyed racing games, in both video and analog formats. Rallyman GT is a new take on the very popular Rallyman game, and is only on Kickstarter for another couple of days. Let me swing by, give you a lift, and show you what this baby can do.

Yellow There! A Review of Museum Heist 0

Yellow There! – A Review of Museum Heist

With all of the games that came out at Gen Con, sometimes the simpler ones are easier to get to the table. Museum Heist has a very easy to learn rule set. But simple rule sets sometimes result in simple games that aren’t interesting. Should you Van Gogh and get this one or is it not worth the Monet?

The Most Memorable Gen Con 0

The Most Memorable Gen Con

It’s been about a month and a half since Gen Con took place. I enjoy Gen Con for the madness that it seems to call forth. New games getting released, announcements getting released during the show that change how the hobby will work, and tons of cool stuff to check out. Now that life is allowing me some time, I want to take a look back at Gen Con 2018.