Author: Ken

Where we all bring something to the table 0

Punchboard Media

What? You haven’t heard about this new thing called Punchboard Media? I suppose I can tell you about it and why I joined.

Digital Boardgames 0

Digital Boardgames

It’s been a while since my last update, but I have still been playing games. Oddly enough, I’ve done a lot more gaming on my iPhone. I’ve enjoyed a number of apps, some of which are very well done.

January 2017 0

January 2017 – Coffee boats in space

January 2017 has come to an end and I managed to play a game every day. I’m behind on my 100 new-to-me challenge, but things generally start slow for me. Let’s look at what I’ve been playing.

Happy New Year! 0

2017 – An Ambitious Year

I had some plans for my boardgaming in 2016. Some of them were successful, but others weren’t. I’ve made even more plans for 2017 with a bit more focus this time. Let’s talk about the plans for the new year.


“Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.”

As much as I love boardgaming, life has a way of taking priority. I’ve been quite busy since my last update, but thought I’d do a post to update everyone and actually talk about some gaming!