Author: Ken

Post GenCon! 0

Post GenCon!

I’ll be taking some pictures of the games we brought back, doing some write-ups, and planning some reviews soon. For now, I’m recovering from GenCon 2012. I had an absolutely awesome time. I got to hang out with friends, meet people I’ve only talked with on Twitter, and try some new games like Farmageddon, Forge, Dungeon Heroes, Mars Needs Mechanics, Morels, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and A Fistful of Penguins. There will be a review of Farmageddon hopefully by the end of the week. If there are any other games from that list you’d like to see reviewed, just let...

GenCon is Coming! 0

GenCon is Coming!

There’s just one day before I drive all the way to Indianapolis and play board games for 4 days straight! I’ll be posting pictures to my Twitter account, and they should automatically put themselves in the GenCon photo album on Facebook. If there’s something you want to see more of, just leave comments or tweet at me and I’ll see what I can do.

The Great Heartland Hauling Co. Review 1

The Great Heartland Hauling Co. Review

While at the World Boardgaming Championships, I got to try out Dice Hate Me Games’ newest Kickstarter project, The Great Heartland Hauling Co. by Jason Kotarski. I really like pick up and deliver games, and thought that one that plays in 30 minutes would work well and be a great fit with my gaming group. 

Welcome Reddit! 0

Welcome Reddit!

I posted one little link, and here I am with more page views on my site than I’ve ever seen. I want to thank everyone for checking out my website and want to show off a few pages in particular. Geek-Craft is on Facebook, Twitter, and has an RSS feed if you want to be alerted when I do a review, set up a demo night in north east Ohio, or just have something to say. There are some Reviews, talk about Conventions, and lots of games that I can teach if you’re in the area. I also have a large...

RSS Link 0

RSS Link

For those who are inclined, there is an RSS feed for Geek-Craft. It’s at: I’ll be updating the header later today to remove the Tumblr link, since it’s never really used, and replacing it with the RSS feed.

WBC – New Games Galore 0

WBC – New Games Galore

After two days at the World Boardgaming Championships, I am happy to say that I played 16 new games and expansions. I got to hang out with some friends, meet some people from Twitter, and tried a lot of games I’ve been aching to learn. There will be a more in-depth post later, and reviews of several of the games, but here are the new games (not expansions) that I got to play over the last two days: Château Roquefort Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War Crows Eruption Fürstenfeld Leaping Lemmings Lost Cities: The Board Game Mammut Revolver:...