Gaming Purr-fection? – A Review of Calico

Calico is a game about making quilts and attracting cats to lay on them. It’s a very casual concept, but that doesn’t mean it’s a casual game. Playing one to four players in thirty to forty-five minutes also means it fits nicely into most collections. Does that mean this is a game worth getting so your cats can sit in the lid? Let’s check it meow-t.

This Game Rocks - A Review of Shobu 0

This Game Rocks! – A Review of Shobu

Shobu is an odd combination of components: Four wooden boards, 32 stones, a rope, and a rules sheet. Is this an example of a simple game having complexity in play, or is it just random components thrown together?

No Hospital This Time! - Gen Con 2019 0

No Hospital This Time! – Gen Con 2019

Gen Con is the biggest board game convention in the US, and it’s always a rush to go. Almost 70,000 attendees, tons of events, and far more going on than one person could ever see. That being said, let’s talk about what I saw.

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Crunchy? Like Tacos? – Gaming Terms Defined

As with any hobby, there can be a lot of jargon that is thrown around that makes sense if you’re in the know, but can scare people who don’t know what you’re talking about away. As someone who welcomes everyone to my gaming table and to explore boardgaming as a hobby, I thought I’d help define some terms that are thrown around. These are not meant as anĀ end-all source for terms, as some of them are vague at best, but it’s a start.