Upgrading your Gaming 0

Upgrading your Gaming

I’ve been talking with some friends about things to do to make games just a little bit better. I think there are two main categories of upgrades to games, additions and replacements. I’m a fan of both, and want to talk about what it can do to a game.


International TableTop Day 2013

I’m still not 100% recovered from PAX East, but I’m doing pretty good. I’m hoping to do a post about it sometime next week. However, the focus for now is on International TableTop Day, which is tomorrow. 



So I leave for PAX East in just two days, and I’m really excited for a lot of reasons.

The Emperor’s New Clothes – A Review 64

The Emperor’s New Clothes – A Review

I received a letter today asking me to review The Emperor’s New Clothes, which is a game on Kickstarter being done by GameSalute. When I first heard about the game, I figured it would be some kind of game based on the story. Oh, but how wrong I was.