Tagged: Gamelyn Games


Table For One – Solitaire Games

As someone who’s usually got a board game near him, I’ve found over the past few months that I’m enjoying solitaire board games more and more. I still love playing against other people, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something different about solitaire games. They’re a great way to pass the time and play some games that may not get to the table. 


Origins 2015 is coming

Origins is just two weeks away. While it won’t quite compare to the events of last year, Origins 2015 is looking to be a lot of fun. I’m excited by a number of games that’ll be shown in Columbus.


Post Gen Con 2014 – 56,614 Gamers

The stats are out! There were 56,614 attendees at Gen Con 2014 with a turnstile attendance of 184,699. It was a great time and I got to see a lot of games, most of which were on my list. There were some surprises, but that’s part of the fun of Gen Con!


New games at Origins

I know I’m late in getting this posted, but last week kept me busy. At Origins, I got to play 7 games that were new to me, many of them being unpublished games. I love seeing the games in their prototype stages, playing them with the designer, and providing feedback on the games.