Tagged: Green Couch Games

Geek-Craft Goes To Gen Con 2016 2

Gen Con 2016 Games Played and Acquired

I got a lot of games at Gen Con 2016. No, really a LOT of games. But I also got to play some games, and while talking about purchases is fun, I’d like to discuss the games I got to play and what I thought about them. Some of the games are out now, some won’t be out until later this year, but I had a great time at the convention.

Origins 2016 1

Origins 2016 – Back with a Vengeance

I spent June 15th through 19th in Columbus, OH for my ninth Origins Game Fair. I love Origins, and this year felt busier than ever. While there were only 15,480 attendees, it felt like there were more people there over the course of the convention. But enough about the people, let’s talk about the games at Origins 2016!


Ludo Ergo Sum – Fidelitas Preview

When I went to Origins, I was contacted by Jason Kotarski about a game that he and Philip duBarry were working on. He offered me a chance to play with a prototype if I’d give it a review, and I agreed. I’ve liked previous games by both designers, so let’s see what they can do with their combined efforts.