Author: Ken


Gen Con 2014!

I leave for Indianapolis tomorrow morning with a variety of games in tow and big plans for Gen Con. There’s a lot going on at the convention this year, and I’ve done my best to plan ahead a bit.


Ludo Ergo Sum – Fidelitas Preview

When I went to Origins, I was contacted by Jason Kotarski about a game that he and Philip duBarry were working on. He offered me a chance to play with a prototype if I’d give it a review, and I agreed. I’ve liked previous games by both designers, so let’s see what they can do with their combined efforts.


I took a wrong turn at Albequerque – Tsuro Review

I often find myself drawn to more strategic games, some that can take more than an hour to play. But I can’t deny that there is still a place for shorter games that are meant for fun, especially with certain groups of people. Tsuro is a game that scratches that itch.


Mo’ characters, Mo’ fun! – Pixel Tactics 3 Review

Before I looked at the Pixel Tactics series and what I think of the game play and latest version of the components. Now let’s sit down and take a look at the cards in Pixel Tactics 3 and what makes it different from the first two sets for the game.