Category: First Impressions

First Impressions Spires 0

First Impressions – Spires

One of my favorite things about board games are the discussions after the game is put away. You talk about strategies, why you enjoyed the game, what you didn’t like, and all those fun little details that don’t generally make it into a review. I’ve decided to fix that with First Impressions!


A little too quiet…

It’s been a while since I posted, and there are a few reasons for that. I’m not gone, still playing games when I can, but let’s talk about what I have been playing. Not full reviews, but a shotgun approach to talking about games.


Breaking the shrink

I recently did my inventory, and while it’s not 100% complete, it’s most of the way through, and I’m finding that there are just a lot of games that I own and haven’t played. I feel that this isn’t right, so I’m making a push to play new games. 


Brew Crafters – First Impressions

Ben Rosset is the designer of Mars Needs Mechanics, a wonderful market control game. He has been working on Brew Crafters, a worker placement game about making beer. While I’ve only gotten to play one game of it, I figured it would be good to talk about my first impressions of it.