Blinded by the Light – A Lanterns Preview

I got to check out a few new games at Gen Con 2014. One of my favorites was Lanterns, which is live on Kickstarter now. The game is gorgeous and has some really interesting mechanics that make it stand out to me.


All Hands on Deck Preview

I was sent a preview copy of All Hands On Deck, a pirate themed set collection game by Salamander Games. Does this game deserve to rule the seas, or should it be left in Davy Jones’ locker?


Breaking the shrink

I recently did my inventory, and while it’s not 100% complete, it’s most of the way through, and I’m finding that there are just a lot of games that I own and haven’t played. I feel that this isn’t right, so I’m making a push to play new games. 


Post Gen Con 2014 – 56,614 Gamers

The stats are out! There were 56,614 attendees at Gen Con 2014 with a turnstile attendance of 184,699. It was a great time and I got to see a lot of games, most of which were on my list. There were some surprises, but that’s part of the fun of Gen Con!


Gen Con 2014!

I leave for Indianapolis tomorrow morning with a variety of games in tow and big plans for Gen Con. There’s a lot going on at the convention this year, and I’ve done my best to plan ahead a bit.


Ludo Ergo Sum – Fidelitas Preview

When I went to Origins, I was contacted by Jason Kotarski about a game that he and Philip duBarry were working on. He offered me a chance to play with a prototype if I’d give it a review, and I agreed. I’ve liked previous games by both designers, so let’s see what they can do with their combined efforts.