A Year Of Gaming – Week 39: Train Of Thought Jumped The Track
Dinosaurs, maps, comic books, space stations, and exercise bikes. There’s no semblance of consistency this week!
This article references the time between September 21st and September 27th, 2020.
I sat down for a digital solo play of Cartographers Heroes and really enjoyed it. I have a tablet PC, so I am able to just bring up the map on my computer and use the cards off to the side. Here’s the final result of the play:

Cartographers Heroes Play
You can see my lovely drawing style… or something like that. I like the solo mode, though it can be a little easier to set up for the monsters and have them not hurt you too badly. I like how the scoring works as well. If you haven’t tried solo, each scoring card has a solo mode modifier. You add up the four numbers from the scoring cards and subtract that from your score. The result determines your title, ranging from Legendary Cartographer to Oblivious Inkdrinker. I did particularly well in this game, but pulling 50 points off of one scoring card does help with that.
I got the latest Love Letter Game, based on the Infinity Gauntlet, this week. I haven’t had a chance to play it, as I’m not sure I’d enjoy playing any version at two players, but I’ll try to give it a shot soon.
I also got a box from Petersen Games. In the box was Startropolis, including the Glow Box expansion, as well as the dry erase boards for Unlocking Insanity and 2 Minute Dino Deal, a game that I would never guess came from them. I’m excited to check these out.
Picked up an exercise bike to help me lose some of the weight I’ve put on since lockdown started. I have a TV set up and can easily do podcasts, music, or play my Nintendo Switch while riding. I don’t have quite the control when compared to how I normally play, but it’s worth it to help trick my brain into being okay with more exercise. Any other tips? Please let me know in the comments!