The Cards of Cthulhu
Shane Tyree is a friend of mine who possesses as much artistic talent as I lack, which is an amazing amount. He’s done a bunch of art for a variety of games and has started his own Kickstarter project.
Shane Tyree is a friend of mine who possesses as much artistic talent as I lack, which is an amazing amount. He’s done a bunch of art for a variety of games and has started his own Kickstarter project.
Tom Vasel is a fairly well known game reviewer and runs the Dice Tower. While he and I disagree on reviewing methods and opinions on some games, the memorial fund he set up is a very worth while cause. Look the benefit auction over, see if something catches your eye, and help out fellow gamers.
I enjoy games that involve a push your luck mechanic. The internal debate of taking another card or rolling the dice just one more time is a favorite, especially when it pays off. Stardock Games, known for their video games, has set sail into the world of board and card games with Dead Man’s Draw.
Ben Rosset is the designer of Mars Needs Mechanics, a wonderful market control game. He has been working on Brew Crafters, a worker placement game about making beer. While I’ve only gotten to play one game of it, I figured it would be good to talk about my first impressions of it.
Sorry that it’s been quiet as of late. Been busy with lots of events and planning, as well as an auction. Read on to learn more about what I’ve been up to.
While at Gen Con 2013, I got to check out a great party game called Belle of the Ball. Well, not a party game, but a game about parties. I’ve had a chance to play the Print and Play version a few times.