Just roll with it – Marvel Dice Masters Review

I have a love / hate relationship with dice. I enjoy games that have dice, but don’t tend to do well in those kinds of games. Wizkids has come out with the first game in their Dice Masters line, featuring Marvel characters. How does this game stack up?


Trains, not Topiaries – Yardmaster Preview

Trains are a popular subject for many games. Ticket to Ride is a very popular game, and Station Master is a personal favorite. With so many train games on the market, it can be hard to stand out. Patrick Nickell of  Crash Games sent me a preview copy of Yardmaster, Steven Aramini’s first game so that I could see if this game can stand out in a crowd.


One Shell of a Game – Eggs and Empires Preview

As someone who loves Fleet, whenever Ben and Matt put out a game, I’m curious to see what they’ve been up to. Eggs and Empires is up on Kickstarter now, and they were kind enough to send me a prototype copy to try the game out. Is this an egg-ceptional follow up to Fleet, or is it just one big yolk?


Gaming on the Go

Sometimes having a bag filled with smaller, simple games can be useful. Going to a friend’s house who doesn’t have many games? Have a group for lunch at work? Maybe there’s a get together and you want to show people some hobby games. What should be in your Gaming on the Go bag?


Pre-pear for a great time – A Pairs Kickstarter Preview

Pairs is a Cheapass Game currently up on Kickstarter. Note that the company behind it is actually Cheapass, but the games they create are some of the best simple and quick games I’ve ever seen. Pairs is a card based push your luck game. In the game, the goal is not to win, but simply to not lose. The game plays from two to eight players and takes minutes to play. The deck is made up of fifty-five cards. There is one 1, two 2’s, three 3’s, and so on to ten 10’s. During each round, all players are dealt...