Rocketman! – Gravwell review

Back at Gen Con 2013, I got to play a game that was popular at the show called Gravwell: Escape from the 9th dimension. I’d heard some friends talk about the game positively, but I didn’t get a chance to pick the game up. Now that it’s out at stores, I thought I’d give it another look.


The Cards of Cthulhu

Shane Tyree is a friend of mine who possesses as much artistic talent as I lack, which is an amazing amount. He’s done a bunch of art for a variety of games and has started his own Kickstarter project. 


Jack Vasel Memorial Fund Auction

Tom Vasel is a fairly well known game reviewer and runs the Dice Tower. While he and I disagree on reviewing methods and opinions on some games, the memorial fund he set up is a very worth while cause. Look the benefit auction over, see if something catches your eye, and help out fellow gamers.