Author: Ken

U-Con and new games 0

U-Con and new games

I got to go up to Michigan for U-Con with some friends, and we had a great time. I got to sit and play some new games or revisit some games that I haven’t played for a while. I’m going to give my first impressions of the games below, having only played them once. These are not full-fledged reviews, but give you a look at how I feel about the first plays of these games. If you see something you’d like me to do a full review on, leave a comment below.

Review – The Keep 1

Review – The Keep

I love board gaming, but I hate that if I want to take more than a couple of games with me to a store to demo or on vacation, I have to use several bags. I’ve actually taken to using a rolling duffel bag loaded with games in their boxes, but I saw what I think is a great idea on Kickstarter. The Keep is a method of packing up the important stuff from your games, like the boards and pieces, and leaving the boxes behind. The Keep is a combination of parts. Magic Chambers are used to hold smaller pieces...

I’m on the “No buy list” 0

I’m on the “No buy list”

I’m someone who tends to get a lot of boardgames for Christmas and my birthday, and I’ve never complained about it. I love board games, and I really love that my friends and family understand that. The issue with the idea of getting me games as gifts is that I have to not own the game first. This means starting in October through my birthday in March, I’m held to buying almost no board games at all. The good news is that this will allow me to play through some of the backlog of games that I’ve amassed over the years....

Just one more game! – Dungeon Heroes Review 0

Just one more game! – Dungeon Heroes Review

I was given the opportunity to check out a game before it hits Kickstarter by Patrick and Michael from Crash Games. They sent a bunch of prototype copies out simply asking for reviews. I’ve gotten to play the game a handful of times, with a few different people, and want to go over my thoughts on the game. At its heart, Dungeon Heroes is a casual and quick two player dungeon crawl game with asymmetrical goals. The Heroes Player (Let’s say that’s my girlfriend, so “she” for the rest of this review) is trying to find three of four treasures...

Kickstarter Woes and Woahs 6

Kickstarter Woes and Woahs

Someone started a geeklist on BoardGameGeek about games that you’ve backed on Kickstarter and any regrets you have with the system. While there are certainly projects I regret backing, there are far more that I’m glad I helped make a reality. Below are some of those standout games. Most Disappointing Glory to Rome: Black Box edition is the first game that comes to mind. Glory to Rome is a strategic game where the cards represent the actions you can perform, the buildings you can build, as well as the materials to build those buildings. I really enjoy games that feature this...

Announcement! 0


So everyone has been very patient while I’ve been fighting my lack of website design skills, and with the plans for the demo day on October 20th, I need to make an annoucement: Geek-Craft is now demoing for twelve companies! 5th Street Games AEG Clever Mojo Games Crash Games Dice Hate Me Games Eagle & Gryphon Games Greater Than Games Level 99 Games Looney Labs Games Mayfair Games Nevermore Games Steve Jackson Games You can see these game companies logos here: I’ll be working on making the page work in all browsers, so sorry if it looks strange in...